Yes, when you download it you have available all the services offered, the services are totally free for users.

Yes, it is necessary for the user to download the application in any of the two most used platforms Google Play or App Store and will have information, offers and promotions of shops, shops, restaurants etc.

Yes, it is essential to keep Bluetooth active while using the information services, although the platform reminds you to do so. We inform you that Bluetooth technology has hardly any consumption, it is negligible, in most interactive devices such as handsfree, Smartwatch, headphones, etc. it is always activated.

The platform works only and exclusively when the user authorises it, with each sector being independent of the information or service that the user activates (tourism, shopping, leisure, flash offers, event information, games, etc.).

The platform is not invasive, nor does it want to bother the user when he/she does not wish to receive information; he/she can activate or deactivate some utilities independently of others.

Although we have observed that there is a group of users who like to be always informed of all the promotions that exist around them and keep all the services activated permanently 24 hours a day.

It is not always necessary to have Data, you have the option of Off-line mode, which will allow you to download all the content of the place to visit beforehand to use it when you go on your tour.

We have different dissemination tools;

1ª The identification of the place by means of stickers or plaques placed on the outside of tourist attractions and participating establishments, permanently reminding users to download the application or, if they already have it, to activate it because they will find exclusive advantages along the way.


2ª On social networks with campaigns directly aimed at promoting the dissemination of the many advantages of having the platform on your Smartphone, the benefits of promotions, discounts, participatory games with rewards, offers in hotels, shops, professionals, etc.


3ª Dissemination and promotion in the RRSS by us of the best promotions and offers that you can find in your area if you use OK Located.


4º The best published offers can require the participation of users, that these are validated through some requirement or action, for example (sharing the offer received in one of the main social networks) so that the offer is not only seen by this benefited user, but can also be known by as many people as contacts he/she has by sharing it with them.


5ª The traditional dissemination through Flayers in the participating establishments informing you of the existence of the platform so that it can be downloaded during the tourist visit, in the main places of tourist interest, tourist information offices, hotels, bus, etc.

1º To have always active at least one permanent offer, promotion, discount or advantage for the user, these must be very attractive and exclusive for the users of OK Located, differing from not using this same one in any other place. In addition you will be able to make and upload promotions, offers or temporary discounts and that have priority over the permanent one every time you want.


2º To keep in a very visible place outside the company a sticker or plaque identifying OK Located inviting to download.


3º Make known to all the staff of the establishment the adhesion to the OK Located platform, the advantages and benefits that it has for the users that enter the shop.


4º We do not admit any type of advertising that does not offer a considerable advantage for the users, nor that could be annoying or offensive for the public.


5º OK Located is a collaborative platform for the promotion of local purchases, products and services. The establishment has to collaborate in the diffusion and attraction of users for the benefit of all the members, promoting the use.

There is no permanence because we consider it important to be active working with the platform and using it as the great tool that it is.


Our services are based on the satisfaction of users and customers, so we do not have any kind of permanence, you just have to notify us at least 1 month before the presentation of your next payment receipt.

Permanent offers are kept in the mobile phone’s memory in order of arrival. If you have a permanent offer, you can also have a temporary offer.

The time, validity or validity of an offer is determined by the establishment that uploads the promotion, it will depend on the type of offer or campaign you want at all times, and can be determined by the number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks you want to keep it available.

The permanent offer may last for a few days, weeks or months, remaining available for that time and will be replaced later and obligatorily by another one. We remind you that there must always be a permanent offer and as many temporary offers as you wish.


The temporary offer is parallel to the permanent offer that is always there, it will be something extraordinary because its duration is limited in time.

This function is used to temporarily discriminate which offer the user is going to receive depending on the day of the week and time of day, for example: Happy Hour, weekends, days with a greater influx of customers, upcoming festivals, star offers in the evening, etc.

When OK Located users pass by your company or establishment at a distance of approximately 50m around, they will receive a notification or Push message on their mobile device with the offer, discount or promotion, whether they are walking, riding a car, bike, bus, etc.

This generates a direct marketing action provoking the user the need to enter, try, buy, ask, you will have many possibilities to generate attraction.

In each sector available on the platform, valuable information is generated for each one.


1º Shopping Information, for promotions, offers and discounts, which will be uploaded by businesses and establishments that have a physical store facing the public.


2º Leisure Information, for any establishment in the hotel and catering industry, shows, cinemas, theatres, etc. that have a physical premises facing the public to offer their products or services.


3º Flash Offers, this space is for all professionals who provide a service in a physical location, you can also find all kinds of offers from all the above sectors in places where their companies are not physically present.


4º Games and Competitions, companies can participate to carry out promotional campaigns through competitions and promote local commerce in the area.

This type of offer is used by all types of companies and professionals who provide a service, it is not necessary to have a physical location facing the public, and is intended to upload service offers for the user who wants to benefit.

This type of offers can be received in any place different from where the company is located, these devices can be in:


1º In mobile vehicles of the client or company.


2º In places where the target public is concentrated. The dissemination of offers through these devices will be shared with several companies, so as not to saturate users in the main target areas.


3º Companies that have physical commercial premises for the provision of services such as gyms, auto schools, medical clinics, professionals such as consultants, lawyers, etc.

We have a team of professional commercial technicians at your disposal to advise you on how to upload your offers and how to upload them in an attractive and differentiating way.